How Tall Was Alexander the Great? Discover the Truth!

How Tall Was Alexander the Great? Discover the Truth!
Delve into the intriguing question surrounding Alexander the Great's height, as we explore various theories and evidence in this informative article. Unravel the enigma surrounding the stature of this legendary figure from ancient times and gain insights into his physical attributes.

Why Height Mattered in Ancient Greece:

In ancient Greece, people believed that tall individuals were stronger and braver. Being tall was seen as a sign of power and authority, especially for leaders like Alexander. Physical strength and athletic abilities were highly respected in Greek society.

What Historians Say:

a) Conflicting Accounts:

Historians who wrote about Alexander the Great during his time and afterwards often give different descriptions of his height. This makes it difficult to know for sure how tall he really was.

b) Exaggeration:

Some historians think that the people who wrote about Alexander wanted to make him seem even more impressive. They may have exaggerated his height to show that he was almost god-like and superior to ordinary people.

Clues from Artifacts:

a) Coins:

Coins from Alexander's time often show his face, which gives us some idea of what he looked like. However, these images might not accurately represent his actual height since they were stylized.

b) The Alexander Mosaic:

A famous mosaic discovered in Pompeii called the Alexander Mosaic shows him in battle. It offers a glimpse of his physical appearance, but it doesn't give us a definite answer about his height.

Historical Texts:

a) Plutarch:

Plutarch, a biographer from ancient times, described Alexander as being "of a middling height." This means he was neither very tall nor very short. But this phrase can be interpreted in different ways.

b) Arrian:

Another historian, Arrian, mentioned that Alexander was slightly taller than the average Macedonian. However, he didn't give specific measurements or compare him to other people.

Modern Speculation:

a) Searching for his Remains:

Archaeologists have been trying to find Alexander's tomb for a long time. If they were to find his skeleton, it could provide valuable information about his height. But until then, it remains a mystery.

b) Theories and Estimates:

Without concrete evidence, modern scholars have come up with different theories and estimates about Alexander's height. Some think he was shorter than average, while others believe he was taller. But these ideas are not proven.


The exact height of Alexander the Great continues to elude us, keeping historians and scholars intrigued. While we acknowledge his remarkable achievements and lasting impact, we must accept that we may never know for sure how tall he really was. The mystery surrounding Alexander's height adds to his legendary status, making him even more captivating and enigmatic in the annals of history. 

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